M. Outokesh
Assoc. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Sustainable development of the energy systems
- Exergy, Environment
- Climate Change
- Air Pollution
- Process Engineering
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Tohoku University, Sendai Japan(2006)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor -02166166126
M. Boroushaki
Assoc. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Sustainable development of the energy systems
- Exergy, Environment
- Climate Change
- Air Pollution
- Process Engineering
Ph.D. Energy Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2002)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166136
H. Khajepour
Assist. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Sustainable development of the energy systems
- Exergy, Environment
- Climate Change
- Air Pollution
- Process Engineering
Ph.D. Energy Systems Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2018)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166124
S.A Hosseini
Assoc. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Sustainable development of the energy systems
- Exergy, Environment
- Climate Change
- Air Pollution
- Process Engineering
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2013)
Department of Energy Engineering -1th Floor-02166166107
A. Rajabi-Ghahnavieh
Assist. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Integrated Gas & Electricity Systems
- Smart Buildings
- Performance Monitoring
- a
- a
Ph.D. Electerical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2010)
Director for University Infrastructure Management-02166036095
R. Roshandel
Research Interests:
- Energy Systems
- Energy Managemet
- Renewable Energy
- Technologies
- Energy Conservation
- Hydrogen Production
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2008)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166127
Y. Saboohi
Research Interests:
- Energy Systems
- Energy Managemet
- Renewable Energy
- Technologies
- Energy Conservation
- Hydrogen Production
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166133
S. Sattari
Research Interests:
- Energy Systems
- Energy Managemet
- Renewable Energy
- Technologies
- Energy Conservation
- Hydrogen Production
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-0216616
S.H. Salami
Research Interests:
- Energy and environment
- Energy-water nexus
- Bioenergy
- Process design and integration
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166139
A. A. Salehi
Research Interests:
- Fuel Management
- Reactor Static and Dynamic Calculations
- a
- a
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States (1978)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166132
M. Samadfam
Assist. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Energy and environment
- Energy-water nexus
- Bioenergy
- Process design and integration
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering , Hokkaido University , japan(1998)
Department of Energy Engineering -2th Floor-02166166105
A. Avami
Assoc. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Energy and environment
- Energy-water nexus
- Bioenergy
- Process design and integration
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2011)
Department of Energy Engineering -1th Floor-02166166135-02166166117
M. Ghaffari
Assist. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- NPPs technology and safety
- Turbulence modeling in NPPs
- Accident analysis
- Power control and regulation in NPPs
- a
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- a
Ph.D, Department of Energy Engineering, Sharif University of Technology(2017)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166147
M. B. Ghofrani
Research Interests:
- Modern Electrical Power Plant Technology
- Nuclear Power Plant Technology
- Nuclear Power Plant Dynamics
- Power Control and Regulation in Nuclear Power Plants
- Reliability Engineering
- Probabilistic Safety/Risk Assessment (PSA/PRA)
- a
- a
Ph.D. (D.E.) in Nuclear Engineering-Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires (I.N.S.T.N)(1975)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166131
KH. Moshkbar
Assist. Prof.
Research Interests:
- Modern Electrical Power Plant Technology
- Nuclear Power Plant Technology
- Nuclear Power Plant Dynamics
- Power Control and Regulation in Nuclear Power Plants
- Reliability Engineering
- Probabilistic Safety/Risk Assessment (PSA/PRA)
- a
- a
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2014)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166145
M. Moeini
Assist. Prof.
Research Interests:
- My research focuses on future vision of distribution energy systems. The concept of Transactive energy (TE) and local energy markets, operational and planning studies in energy hubs along with flexibility issues of renewable-based energy systems play important role in these active energy systems.
Ph.D. Elecrical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2014)
Department of Energy Engineering -2th Floor-02166166104
A. Maleki
Research Interests:
- Energy Policy
- Energy Security
- Economics of Exhaustible Resources
- International Political Economy
- Future Studies
- Psychology of International politics
- Iran’s Foreign Policy
PhD in Strategic Management, High University of Strategic Sciences, Iran(2003)
Department of Energy Engineering -3th Floor-02166166129
N. Vosoughi
Research Interests:
- Radiation Transport
- Monte Carlo Method
- Noise Analysis
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (Nuclear Engineering) , Sharif University of Technology, Iran(2003)
Department of Energy Engineering -2th Floor-02166166101
Related Departments and Research Institutes
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
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- Contact Us
Department of Energy Engineering, Taymouri Alley, Ghasemi Street, Habibollahi St., Azadi Avenue, Tehran, Iran
Tel: 021-66166101-2 Fax: 021-66081722